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Some of Our Trademark Services
  • Trademark Registration and Protection Strategies
  • Trademark Selection, Protection, and Acquisition
  • Complete Trademark Searches
  • Trademark Research and Investigation
  • Legal Analysis and Interpretation of Trademark Searches
  • Application Preparation and Filing
  • Use Based Applications
  • Intent to Use Applications
  • Application Monitoring and Expediting
  • USPTO Office Action Review and Responses
  • Statement of Use Declarations
  • Trademark Certificate Accuracy Verification
  • Trademark Licensing
  • Trademark Dispute Resolution
  • Legal Infringement Opinions
  • Section 8 and Section 15 Affidavit Preparation and Filings
  • Trademark Registration Renewals (Section 8 and 9)
  • Trademark Opposition Proceedings
  • Trademark Transfers, Assignments and Valuations
  • USPTO and TTAB Appeals
  • Trademark Cancellation Proceedings
  • Trademark Infringement Enforcement
  • Cease and Desist Letters and Responses
  • Trademark and Domain Name Disputes
  • U.S. Customs Anti-Piracy Protection
  • Don't See Your Issue Listed - Just Ask Us
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Bischoff & Associates - 1650 Payne Street - Evanston, Illinois 60201